New Bibliography on the Psychology of UAP Experiences

A complete overview of scientific sources about eyewitness reliability and psychological aspects of the UFO experience


Published 2024-07-17 at 07:18

Reading Reading 4 min.


The UFO/UAP subject is far broader and more complicated than is recognized by the proponents of any particular theory or solution. There are deep historical roots, far-reaching cultural as well as social and psychological implications and a complex overlap of many different subject areas. It is necessary to examine all aspects in order to understand the meaning of the phenomenon, which in many cases also appears to have a diffuse origin.

In our opinion, there is no simple explanation that can be applied to all the cases described in the literature, as it does not seem to be a phenomenon with one character, but a complex phenomenon. This is also shown by the high number of identified sightings, which can be attributed to very different, conventional objects or phenomena.

Bibliographies are important sources when researching the UFO/UAP phenomenon, regardless of the aspect, as they facilitate literature research and document the current state of research and knowledge. They also provide a good overview of the thousands of books, studies and papers published since the last century. UAP Check is also dedicated to this topic and, like, it's now providing a complete database of academic theses, which Paolo Toselli has been maintaining since 2001, as well as a library of vetted UAP articles and essays.

The essential core of the “phenomenon” is still defined and described by testimonies of extraordinary UFO/UAP experiences. The main focus of investigation must therefore be on the assessment of witness accounts. It was not until 2023 that a comprehensive compendium was published, titled "The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony", dealing integrally and from different perspectives with the subject of the reliability of UFO witness statements.

Now a new bibliography, under the authorship of Jochen Ickinger, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Ulrich Magin, comes out as a spin-off of that thick volume and is complementing the 711-pages anthology with more than 1,300 entries of publications on psychological aspects of UFO experiences, both from academia and private UFO research, which will be further supplemented and updated.

The aim of this bibliography is to collect scientific material related to the UFO/UAP phenomenon from UFO specialists and academics alike. It covers a wide range, from books, articles from scientific but also private journals, studies, online articles, to case studies and experiments.

From the Foreword by Professor Emeritus Christopher C. French:

The simple truth is that (...) there will be a wide range of psychological factors that are relevant in considering the reliability of eyewitness centered close encounters. We should not expect explanations of the “one size fits all” variety. (...)
It is clear that, in considering each type of close encounter, different psychological factors will be of greater or lesser relevance. (...) [They] need to be considered when attempting to explain the various types of close encounter. (...) [The compilers] have provided researchers in this area with an incredibly valuable tool in the form of this extensive bibliography.

Here are comments  from other reviewers:

An excellent scholarly resource for anyone interested in the UFO phenomenon and related to paranormal issues from a scientific perspective (...) A comprehensive and broad-spectrum compendium of important books and scientific articles (...) An outstanding resource to professional scholars and students alike.

Matthew Sharps, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, California State University, Fresno, USA

Ickinger, Ballester-Olmos, and Magin offer a unique and extensive international bibliography of research on this very topic. For any serious student of the subject of UFOs or the paranormal more generally, it represents an essential resource – one that I will continue to consult for years.

Greg Eghigian, Ph.D.
Professor of History and Bioethics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

Even after more than 75 years of research, UFOs remain a mystery to us. They oscillate between subjective and objective reality, their ontology is uncertain, but their significance is undeniable (...). With their comprehensive and unique bibliography on the reliability and psychology of eyewitness accounts of UFOs, [the compilers] have created a veritable treasure trove of information for further research.

Andreas Anton, Ph.D.
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg, Germany

This monograph is available for free download from

The bibliography is now also available on Zotero under “UFO Reliability Bibliography” and is still being edited and updated.

Jochen Ickinger

Jochen Ickinger is an engineer and senior IT specialist who has been studying the UFO phenomenon since the 1980s, focusing on methodological and psychological aspects. He has written several articles and is a member of the German GEP and